Delayed Departure May Have Been Worth It

In business by Michael Michelini5 Comments

Writing this from the bus in Batangas, finally able to “escape” the island of Puerto Galera. Over 2 days delayed from leaving due to typhoon missing my friend Bas’s birthday in Dau, and a few other tropical MBA attendees missing their flights tio thailand and korea….and I really hope I don’t miss my flight today to Boracay (12:20pm departure, typing this on a bus there at 9:40am, so should be ok) as this will be my real holiday in years! But even if I miss my flight, I can make a one way flight….meet up with MikeMo and Attila there.

But in any regards, being stranded on a tropical island in a typhoon a couple days isn’t so bad if you are with good company, and that was the case here. It did feel a bit rushed spending only Tuesday to Thursday afternoon with them, and spending additional time Thursday night to Saturday morning I got to bond much more with the guys from tropicalmba.

Seems there is a good opportunity to create a program like this for entrepreneurs who want to come into China to learn how Chinese business works, get exposure to a few experienced internet businessmen like the communities we have forming in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, and make some internships in China as well. Think we are in a good position to offer this program and help cross promote each other.

Its been something I and others have been discussing since the middle of last year, mixing entrepreneurship, adventure, and learning in one package. To be the bridge into China for internet businessmen and ecommerce enthusiasts.

The dream is getting closer, and it seems fate created this typhoon and had forced me to stay a couple more days with the dudes from tropical MBA.

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  1. Hope you do this we’ll totally get behind it and hopefully we can show up to the events too… it’s about time somebody taught us how to have some fun in China. 😀

    1. Author

      Sure man, at tropical mba we had a few guys from our China crew representing, Chris, Vlad, James, and me …and many more I talked to wanted to go.

      Let’s chat more soon. James and Chris already wanna get involved too….

      We know where the fun and the business spots are in China !!!

  2. Pingback: A Real Vacation, Trip to Boracay, But a Struggle To Get There + Back!

  3. Had a blast hanging with you guys those 2 days..I think your China house could be a big thing

    1. Author

      Yea dude, this is exciting …something in my head for almost a year ….will make it happen…send you guys an outline by mid next week to give feedback

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